ACP2024 Feedback Survey

Vinaka vakalevu to everyone who supported the college and attended ACP2024, we hope you thoroughly enjoyed the educational and stimulating content. We were truly privileged to experience the laid-back Fijian hospitality and culture.  

To all our sponsors and exhibitors an enormous thank you, as without your continued support and collaboration conferences such as these would just not happen.

Over four days we were delivered informative presentations from both international and local speakers, and observed some very lively debates and panel discussions with great questions from our delegates.

The stunning weather allowed us to enjoy the spectacular beachfront locations for our Welcome Reception and Gala Dinner, with an amazing Fire and Dance show brought to us by the fabulous Mauri dance group. Witnessing the traditional Fijian culture and dance created a truly special atmosphere for our guests to enjoy.

We have had some positive feedback already but we would like to know more from those who attended. So please take a few minutes to complete our survey via the link HERE.

The post-conference Newsletter and images will be available soon, so watch this space!

We would also like to invite you to Save the Date for ACP2025 which will be held on the Gold Coast Queensland from the 9 – 12 May 2025.